Monday, November 22, 2010

Shoe and Hand Mirror Quilted Cake

This is for my daughter’s ninth birthday party. She “designed” it, and told me what she wanted on it, and then I had to figure out a way to actually DO it!
The entire cake is edible EXCEPT for the tinfoil in the mirror, and the plastic jewels in the jewelry box! I had every intention of making candy jewels, but didn’t realize that hard candy molds are not easily available at
local stores – you have to get them online.
The cake is a layered white cake with a vanilla cream filling, covered in a strawberry marshmallow fondant. The mirror, the shoe, and the drapery are made of fondant, and the jewelry box is rice krispie treat covered with fondant.
It took a little while to figure out how to structure the shoe. I ended up copying one of her mom’s! And since this is only the second time I’ve used fondant, I’m continuing to learn lots of stuff about how to work with it.
First, make sure that anything you make is placed on waxed paper and then to remove it, lay it on a table edge and pull the wax paper down as you slide the object off. It’s REALLY easy to crack marshmallow fondant after it’s dried if you’re not careful.
Second, the thinner you can make the covering layer, the better it tastes! But at the same time, the “glue” layer of frosting you lay the fondant on top of must be smoother.
Also, Play-doh tools work GREAT! Not just the hand tools, but the pressure tools that squeeze out long ropes in different shapes work really well with fondant! Anything you can make with Play-doh, you can make with fondant.
This was also my first attempt at “quilting”, and it’s more difficult than it looks! Actually, the “quilting” part is easy using a stitching sewing wheel, but keeping the actual design uniform around the entire cake was
interesting to say the least! On the plus side, the quilting certainly adds a major charm component to a cake, and her girlfriends went crazy over her cake!
There’s no amount of money that can replace a “That’s the best cake EVER Daddy!!”
Thanks again for letting me share my hobby with everyone!

First Name: Kipp
City-State: Los Angeles, CA
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